Insurers and whiplash – sultans of spin

The media is seemingly ignorant of the grievous impact of George Osborne’s reforms on access to justice for PI victims. Quoted companies exist to make money for their owners - full stop - and to extract as much profit from customers as possible as cheaply as possible.

By |2016-01-08T16:49:39+00:008th January 2016|Uncategorised|Comments Off on Insurers and whiplash – sultans of spin

Jail for claims director who faked medical reports

A director of a claims management company has been jailed after pursuing claims on behalf of a group of teenagers without their knowledge. A good example of why it is often best to instruct a Solicitor to deal with your case directly!

By |2015-08-25T10:40:29+01:0025th August 2015|Uncategorised|Comments Off on Jail for claims director who faked medical reports

MedCo to face immediate review

The Ministry of Justice has fast-tracked its review of whiplash reforms amidst concerns that its policies are being undermined by a new procedure for diagnosing injuries. Justice minister Lord Faulks today announced an immediate analysis of the new MedCo system which created a panel of doctors to handle whiplash cases.

By |2015-07-23T10:07:05+01:0023rd July 2015|Uncategorised|Comments Off on MedCo to face immediate review
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